Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Return from Hallowbaloo 2016

Hello friends I am finally home from my trip to Hallowbaloo and mini vacation around the Washington and Idaho area. I know you have been waiting for the pictures I promised you, here they are.
It was a fabulous show with fabulous artists made collectables. The show/party was a blast!
Let's get started!

Dennis Haynes  Facebook  Runamuck Studios

Geri Williams  geriwilliamsoriginals.com

Kerry Howard-Schmidt  papermoongallery.etsy.com

Monie Segal  Facebook

 Kat Anderson  Katandersonstudios.com

Annie Libertini  annielibertini.com

Zombinenose  zombienose.com

Pam Gracia  softinthehead.com softinthehead.blogspot.com

Isaias Urrabazo  bootifulthings.com etsy.com

Pam Pontious  pamdabears.com

Tamara Kohl  claylindo.com  etsy.com

Mary Lou Wayne  Facebook;charactersinclay.com/

Adriana Esqueda  (me)

As always, if there's something you wish to purchase contact the artist directly.
If you have trouble please feel free to contact me for help.

An amazing show with amazing and fun artists is in the books!
Till next time.